His drink of choice there is "cheap, cheap beer, sometimes some Scotch, sometimes some bourbon, always a hot dog. Shorty's has hot dogs, slushies, pinball, and Buck Hunter," he points out. "You are living a terrible life not going to Shorty's. Hatfield House is no stranger to fameyou can also see this 400+ year old abode in the Oscar-nominated film The Favourite, and the Jonas Brothers' music video for their hit song, Sucker. Pinball machines in Belltown get a lot of play from this guy. "With my nightcap, I like to have some form of entertainment, which happens to be pushing buttons to make balls run around," Romdall says. After a busy night of shaking multiple varieties of daiquiris and maybe a mai tai or two, Romdall reports that when he's not savoring a quiet drink at home-he boasts a private collection of 100 kinds of Scotch, making it pretty much "the perfect bar for him"-he prefers to patronize dive bars with specific perks. Episode 7, the penultimate episode of Nine Perfect Strangers airs next Wednesday, September 15 on Hulu. (The first syllable is pronounced like the liquor, not like the robot vacuum cleaner.) Better still, Rumba now offers inebriation at the hand of new bar manager Jim Romdall, formerly of downtown's now-closed Vessel. A journalist goes undercover to ferret out businessman Harrison Hill as her childhood friend's killer. With Halle Berry, Bruce Willis, Giovanni Ribisi, Richard Portnow. Specializing in sugarcane-distilled delights, the cozy Havana-inspired lounge of Capitol Hill's Rumba (1112 Pike St, 583-7177) is a soothing place to pass a rainy winter evening. Perfect Stranger: Directed by James Foley.